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Assuming institutional is optional, and fixed-income is optional, and worldbankgreenbonds is optional, the following results were found.

  • Global Equity Quarterly Q2 2020

    SHARE THIS Our philosophy is centred on the search for "Future Quality" in a company. Future Quality companies are those that we believe will attain and sustain high returns on investment.
  • Global Equity Quarterly Q1 2020

    SHARE THIS Our philosophy is centred on the search for "Future Quality" in a company. Future Quality companies are those that we believe will attain and sustain high returns on investment. ESG considerations are integral to Future Quality investing as...
  • Global Investment Committee Outlook: Continue risk-positive

    SHARE THIS A large majority of our members agreed on a positive scenario in which the global economy mildly outperforms market consensus, while equities continue to rally.
  • Palm oil investing through an ESG lens

    SHARE THIS Does investing in palm oil companies pose a controversy or present an opportunity? Here is a deep-dive analysis of the palm oil sector and the material ESG issues facing it. All in all, we believe that positive ESG changes represent a strong...
  • Global Equity Quarterly Q1 2021

    SHARE THIS Our philosophy is centred on the search for “Future Quality” in a company. Future Quality companies are those that we believe will attain and sustain high returns on investment. ESG considerations are integral to Future Quality investing as...
  • Press Release - Nikko AM Wins Three ETF Awards from The Asset

    SHARE THIS Nikko AM Wins Three ETF Awards from The Asset Nikko Asset Management (Nikko AM) won a trio of exchange traded fund (ETF) awards as part of The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards for Institutional Investor, ETF, and Asset Servicing...
  • Future Quality Insights - June 2021

    SHARE THIS Who hasn’t sat at home, shouting at the TV as a contestant on a quiz show offers up a hopelessly wrong answer? Incredulity, frustration and a sense of helplessness are all common emotions in that situation. At least you normally get a good...
  • A new era for manager due diligence

    SHARE THIS The 2007-2008 global financial crisis had a lasting impact on public and private pension funds, as the collapse of Lehman Brothers and massive fraud committed by Wall Street money manager Bernie Madoff placed greater emphasis on fiduciary...
  • Global Investment Committee’s 12-month Outlook: Continue risk-positive, especially for Japan

    SHARE THIS Out of the six scenarios presented, a solid majority of our committee agreed again on a positive scenario, in which the global economy matches the market consensus for very strong growth, while equities continue to rally.
  • Global Equity Quarterly Q2 2021

    SHARE THIS Our philosophy is centred on the search for “Future Quality” in a company. Future Quality companies are those that we believe will attain and sustain high returns on investment. ESG considerations are integral to Future Quality investing as...
  • Future Quality Insights - August 2021

    SHARE THIS The Tokyo summer Olympics have been a welcome distraction over the last few weeks and well done to Japan for hosting the games so successfully in the current environment. In particular it is inspiring to see the years of preparation and...
  • Japan’s structural reform to benefit investors

    SHARE THIS The three Japan-related news topics that have overwhelmingly dominated the attention of Western media so far this year are COVID-19 (by far), the Tokyo Olympics and the showdown at Toshiba.
  • Global Investment Committee’s 12-month Outlook: Continue risk-positive, especially for Japan

    SHARE THIS Out of the six scenarios presented, a narrow majority of our committee agreed again on a positive scenario in which the global economy matches the market consensus for solid growth, while equities continue to rally.
  • Global Equity Quarterly Q3 2021

    SHARE THIS Our philosophy is centred on the search for “Future Quality” in a company. Future Quality companies are those that we believe will attain and sustain high returns on investment. ESG considerations are integral to Future Quality investing as...
  • Future Quality Insights - December 2021 - A trip to Lisbon

    SHARE THIS Just a few weeks ago I attended my first in-person conference since 2019. Over 40,000 people descended upon Lisbon for Web Summit, one of the world’s largest technology conferences. The event brings together CEO’s and founders of established...
  • Global Investment Committee’s 2022 Outlook: Continue risk-positive, especially for Japan

    SHARE THIS The global economy should match the consensus for strong growth, thanks to vaccinations, continued fiscal stimulus, acceptable global geopolitical conditions, and continued low interest rates despite increasingly hawkish central banks. Such,...
  • Global Equity Quarterly (Q4 2021)

    SHARE THIS An ability to look forward to better times and remain optimistic is invaluable. These attributes are no less helpful when investing in equities. Whilst you can get an unpleasant surprise from misjudging the direction of the tide while...
  • 2843 - Listed Index Fund Australian Government Bond (Currency Hedge)

    SHARE THIS The Funds seek the net asset value per unit to track the performance of Bloomberg Australia Treasury 7-10 Year Index JPY Currency Hedged by mainly investing in the separately stipulated investment trust securities. Key information...
  • 2844 - Listed Index Fund Australian Government Bond (No Currency Hedge)

    SHARE THIS The Funds seek the net asset value per unit to track the performance of Bloomberg Australia Treasury 7-10 Year Index TTM JPY Currency Unhedged by mainly investing in the separately stipulated investment trust securities. Key information...
  • Future Quality Insights – February 2022 - History rhymes

    SHARE THIS Have you ever stopped to imagine what would happen if the world’s central banks spent just over a decade pouring USD 25 trillion of liquidity into the economy with more than 60% of that liquidity created in the last two years? In this...