Nikko Asset Management (Nikko AM) is proud to announce a pair of strategic enhancements to the firm’s global leadership, effective 7 November 2022. These appointments will greatly increase the resilience of both senior strategic management and investment management structures, and enhance Nikko AM’s greatest strength as a global and diverse asset manager.
At the shareholder meetings of 2,385 Japanese companies in which Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Nikko AM) held voting rights between July 2021 and June 2022, the firm exercised proxy voting rights regarding 24,619 company-generated proposals and 298 shareholder proposals for a total of 24,917 proposals. Please refer to the tables below for further details.
Nikko Asset Management (Nikko AM) won a trio of awards as part of The Asset Triple A Sustainable Investing Awards 2022. On 14 July, Nikko AM was recognised as both Best ETF Provider, Japan and Best ETF Provider, Singapore, and followed up on 25 July with Asset Management Company of the Year, Japan. The Asset, an influential industry publication about the asset management industry in Asia, selected the winners for each category looking at the period of 1 January to 31 December 2021 across Asia-Pacific and the Middle East.
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. today announces the listing of two new ETFs: Listed Index Fund France Government Bond (No Currency Hedge) and Listed Index Fund France Government Bond (Currency Hedge). They will be Japan’s first listed France Government Bond ETFs.* Both will be launched on 12 August and listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange on 17 August.
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Nikko AM) has announced that it has become the first asset manager headquartered in Japan to join as a member of “LGBT Great”. Based in London and founded in 2018, LGBT Great is an alliance of various types of organisations in the financial services industry, with a shared vision to make the industry the most trusted place of choice for LGBT+ talent, clients and investors by advocating and partnering to create positive cultural change. As of 30 June, the organisation has 50 members consisting of global financial institutions and asset managers.
On 11 April, Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Nikko AM) issued its Sustainability Report 2022, outlining the global asset manager’s efforts towards a sustainable society, both as a fiduciary and responsible investor, as well as how it manages its own operations. This is Nikko AM’s third Sustainability Report, and covers activities during the 2021 calendar year.
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. is pleased to welcome member of the Japanese national wheelchair rugby team Katsuya Hashimoto as an athlete employee, as of 1 April.
Nikko Asset Management Co., Ltd. (Nikko AM) is proud to endorse the “GX League Basic Concept” developed by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI).